Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 26, 27 - Chapter 26, 27

Day 26, 27 – Chapter 26, 27

Wow, I have no excuse other than I just didn’t blog….. but I can sincerely say that God wil showing me some amazing things and shaping my heart everyday- I can’t get enough.

Day 26 - Chapter 26

Right away in the verse 5, “Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes.” I think we spend a lot of time, reassuring people who are off track verses being straight up with them and telling them, ‘your wrong.’That is not easy but if we don’t help them see the light who will?

This chapter continue to go on discussing the the topic in great detail, basically not to play into people who are not speaking the Gods truth- their choices and lifestyle only lead to destruction. Verse 20, “Without wood a fire goes out, witout gosspi a quarrel dies down.”

In an early chapter I talked about our words. Our words hurt deeply and once we put them out there we can’t take them back. We can seek forgiveness but the words have already been impressed upon the persons heart. Verse 22, “The words of a gossip are like choice morsels, they go down to a man’s innermost parts.”

Day 27 – Chapter 27

A verse that I have always pondered is 6, “Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy mulitple kisses.” Isn’t it amazing how we are so easily quick to forgive people we trust and move on like nothing ever happened. But wow, if someone crossses us that we already have built up some ‘tension’ with, it seems to be impossible to let go of their harmful words or actions. I have great news though- it is easy my friend when God’s love is in you!

We absolutely need to surround ourselves with people who will ‘sharpen us’ in a positive way in Christ. Vs 17, “You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another.” We seem to think we can be bigger than allowing the people around us affect our relationship with Christ but the bottom line is that is does affect us. That doesn’t mean we cannot be friends with the world, we our called to love them and reach out to them. Jesus was the ulitimate example of reaching out to those in need- but it is vital to remember who is close circle of friends were, the disciples, they knew God and walked with Him.

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