I have to first state when I finished with chapter 2 I was kind of sad - I wanted more - I wanted to keep going, but God said, 'No' I have something for you...READ IT AGAIN.
So here we go, Chapter 2.
The first verse to jump out at me was verse 1... Didn’t even get far into it the 2nd time around.
vs. 1 "Store up my commands." Very important to catch this, we go from Chapter 1, beginning with God, to now…storing up His commands. How do we do this??? We get to know Him! We get to know HIS WORD! I hear every excuse in the book why we can't do a daily devotion... but the reality is God desires us to dig into His word. And He also promises that if we do we will know Him better and in the times that we need him, His word is there in our minds, our hearts, and in our lifestyle. Think about it, if you never tell your kids to 'don't run with a sucker in your mouth.' Will they ever know that it could be dangerous??? They won't- so how are we supposed to live according to God's desire…if we don't take the time to get to know Him.
(I am speaking at myself in all this.)
Leading me into the next profound verses that sank deep down to my soul, vs. 9-12a. Here the scriptures demonstrate that if we continue to stay on Gods path, which we can only do by discovering His wisdom and digging into His word - then we will be prosperous and glorify His name in our life. Again, it’s a choice of sacrifice, dedication, commitment and devotion.
I leave you with this verse: more like a thought
Proverbs 2:9-12a
So now you can pick out what's true and fair,
find all the good trails!
Lady Wisdom will be your close friend,
and Brother Knowledge your pleasant companion.
Good Sense will scout ahead for danger,
Insight will keep an eye out for you.
They'll keep you from making wrong turns,
or following the bad directions