Day 17 – Chapter 17
This weekend at ladies retreat the Speaker spoke about new people coming into your church. Most of them are there looking for something- longer story short, they don’t care if you pastor has a tie on or not! We have become too critical of each other, in Christ, and our pastors and the choices they make. What we need to be doing is praying for them- I firmly believe this. I believe that if we sincerely prayed for our pastor and leaders in our church, even if we are not so keen on the decisions they make, that God will be the faithful God that he is and he will change our hearts. We have to be willing to break down all our own boundaries and be open to what God has: this is reminded to me in verse 15, “Whitewashing bad people and throwing mud on good people are equally abhorrent to God.” We somehow think that it is OK to discuss the ‘bad’ about the un-churched, it’s not OK. And in the midst of that is equally as important that we don’t talk about or ‘throw mud’ on the good people who are trying their hardest to follow Christ.
Going back to chapter 15: Are words can and should encourage others, not bring them harm.
Verse 17, “Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of trouble.” Not only is this the kind of friend I want but it is the kind of friend I want to be. I am lucky enough to have friends in my life that even when ‘I’m not easy to love’ they still love me- just how Jesus would/does. It is our obligation to love those ever when it’s not so easy…..
My next verse of choice is verse 27 (NIV), “A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even- tempered.” This is what I hope people will say about me.
I agree with you Britney. It was once said that Christians are the first to shoot their wounded; I have seen it and experienced it in my lifetime. That is why I am very careful to support my church staff, knowing that God placed them there for His purpose and who am I to contradict God? Keep up the great work that God has called you to do!