*For the record I will be going back and forth between the message version and the NIV.
A few things jumped out to me right away… The idea that proverbs is a manual for living is very exciting for me, I want nothing less than to live out my love for God, this is done by living the life he has called us to. In order for us to grasp that lifestyle we need to dig into His words.
(Message Vs. 3,4,5)
A manual for living,
for learning what's right and just and fair;
To teach the inexperienced the ropes
and give our young people a grasp on reality.
There's something here also for seasoned men and women,
still a thing or two for the experienced to learn—
The book of Proverbs, understanding wisdom and living in ‘Fear of the Lord’ is for everyone!! Old, young, people that have walked with Christ for a long time, new Christians- absolutely everyone, there is always something new to be learned!
A major player in chapter 1 is where does wisdom start- vs. 7 (message) “Start with God- the first step in learning is bowing down to God; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning.”
I am positive there is no if, ands, or butts in this verse- it begins with God! This is a new found wisdom in my life. In every circumstance I look for God, look to find him in the midst of the ugly and even the beautiful- he is there, find Him.
Next in the chapter we learn that there will constantly be ‘people’ around us who want nothing more to suck us away from our foundation in Christ and walk the slippery rope- these people choose to ignore the wisdom that God offers. And that nothing will ever fulfill their desires- Vs. 19 (message) “When you grab all you can get, that’s what happens; the more you get, the less you are.” I don’t want this- I don’t want a life of everything the world has to offer and more, I want a life of what God has to offer.
Another profound word that sticks out after reading this chapter is the word 'simple,' vs. 22a (NIV). This verse stats, “How long will you simple ones love your simple ways?” In my bible it says that the Hebrew meaning for simple is referring to someone ‘without moral discretion and inclined to evil.’ A quick reminder that walking a moral filled, Christ centered life is not simple or an easy road… but in the end we make the bed we lie in, vs. 31 (message).
Verses 20-33 discusses how ‘Lady Wisdom’ (message) is calling for all to listen and follow, but some never will, some won’t until they hit the deepest of valleys in their life, and some will reach out to wisdom and follow. Wisdom is a gift to everyone- it’s our choice to accept it or not.
I like what you posted Britney, you are wise. Wisdom and understanding do not come natural, they have to be learned. I struggle everyday with understanding what He is doing. I am becoming more wise in realizing I need to learn from Him in every area of my life.