Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I have not posted a blog in a long time; lately I have been so inspired to write again, about what? Not sure but I’m just going to start.
A brief catch over the past year, Eli just celebrated his 1 year at New Hope which has become in saturated with servants and has become a church family to us. Elijah is tearing it up gymnastics, he thrives! He is so focused, loves it and truly has a talent. He also started soccer last night- he is quit the busy bee. Miley is growing too fast, she is very smart and when she puts her mind to something wow! Her imagination runs crazy it’s pure joy listening to her play with her babies or “Sthisters.”
My crazy adventures have been full of fun, trying times but most importantly God has taught me to give him my schedule and be obedient to do the things he’s asked me and learn to say no to things….
This past year I have been running the children’s department at church, running our woman’s ministry, I started homeschooling Elijah this year and all the other things that fall in line with being a mom and being me. I am still decorating cakes and my new love and joy is cooking from scratch. I have begun to bake, cook and prepare from scratch…and store/freeze. I can now walk into a grocery store and completely bypass the frozen section and the canned food isle, and boxed food isles… it is a great feeling for me to know what is in my family’s food (and safest for Miley). And I am thankful that God has given me time to be able to accomplish this. I understand that is not for everyone so by no means am I patting myself on the back or saying its wrong of others. I am merely just talking about me and my family personally. I have a lot to learn in this area but every day is a new adventure.
One of my biggest ‘projects’ has been homeschooling. When Eli and I started to talk about this as a real option I truly doubted myself. And I still do! If it were not for my Savior I still probably could not accomplish this. If he calls- he will equip (Even in homeschooling). Elijah is in an enrichment program so he goes to school 2 days a week for all the ‘electives.’ When I have him at home we do the core work, wow, it is absolutely amazing how much his young mind can absorb. I think most of the time he’s really teaching me- yes….I think I’m learning more than him! Crazy right??!! I am learning more than how to classify a sentence but to be patient, loving and really listen….and really enjoy the time I get to spend with him.
Let’s get serious… Boring yes but God had shown me a ton lately! And it’s always personal. I don’t blog to brag on my family but to share what I am learning and how I am growing in my relationship with my Father, My savior!
I always hear people talk about who they most represent in the bible but I have always felt like I couldn’t narrow it down to 1 person and/or at different points in my life I have resemble the heart of different biblical people. Right now, I have been on what I called my Romans road…. I have been engulfed in Romans and Corinthians written by the apostle Paul. Reevaluated every aspect of my life and asking God to reveal to me the areas I need more of Him. Less of me and more of you! Very cliché but so true, Paul’s heart amazes me! He tells it like it is and truth and nothing more or less.
I think the church in general is hurting, we are so caught up in trying to please people in the world that we are forgetting to preach/teach gospel- even if it offends. I am not referring to all churches but many and if we are not completely surrendering to the Lord than who are we surrendering to- the world? We can argue all day over what style our church should be implementing but in the end it pointless and does nothing but cause dimension in the church. Paul lays it out there, exactly what our church should look like. If I could sum it up, I do it like this ‘We need to be open to allowing the Holy Spirit to move in our church without any restrictions! No matter what denomination you are.
Don’t believe me? Pick up the bible and read it for yourself. The Holy Spirit is the most vital gifts he gives us now and we shut him out of our lives because we are afraid of what he may do.
I have had this weight on my shoulder of not wanting anything but Gods word. I don’t want extra workbooks I just want to pick up my bible and dig in, praying that God will reveal to me what he desires for my life, my family’s life.
This has become my daily prayer from Francis Chan’s Book The Forgotten God, page 37, “I want to consistently live with an awareness of His strength. I want to be different today from yesterday as the fruit of the Spirit becomes more manifest in me. I want to live so that I am truly submitted to the Spirit’s leading on a daily basis. Christ said it is better for us that the Spirit came, and I want to live like I know that is true. I don’t want to keep crawling when I have the ability TO FLY.” (All caps on fly is my emphasis.) AMEN~

My prayer and the church of God’s prayer, may the Holy Spirit be free to run wild in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. i find it amazing how when the thought of blogging pops into my head, I see you post one. Must be God poking us! Now i just have to listen and act on this poke, like you! Love reading it.
