Thursday, September 20, 2012

Life is Crazy.... Sometimes.

The past 2 days I added 3 cakes on top of my other craziness. I LOVE making cakes, love it! It is just extremely time consuming...... Trying to home school both my kids, spend time with  my gracious heavenly Father who allows me to do all my craziness, gymnastics, cook, clean, exercise, be a wife, friend, answer phone calls AND make cakes is not the best combination. BUT I do it, sometimes.

Yesterday was I was up early enough to have coffee with Eli, get my cake baked before the kids woke up. Well, I got most of the cake baking done before Elijah graced us with his presence, "Good Morning Mom." Let the juggling begin...

So we got breakfast, started school and I was going to start making my icing and I had another cake to bake. There are a few subjects Elijah can do now on his own which makes days like this easier, although I still need to check his work and I don't really like to stop my work to check it but that is life. When I get going on a project I tend to get focused and don't want interruptions. Interruptions-ha, that just comes with kids.... can't run from it. Elijah was done with his few things, Miley was up, ate her breakfast and waiting for Elijah to take a break so they could play... make a mess and play some more. At this point Elijah opted to take some work to open gym and working on it there instead of sitting there for an hour watching Miley. Which turned out to not be a great decision, I think he'd rather watch Miley. So next time- finish work before leaving.

Normally on a school day, the kids have to get up, eat, get dressed, take their medicine and brush their teeth, just like that would have to if they went to a traditional school. The great part about home schooling is sometimes it is just easier to say, "we can get ready later."

I finished making the icing and needed to run to Hobby Lobby. I needed dye, cake base and a cake box. So we got ready and left early enough to run into the store before open gym. Hobby Lobby did not have it so off to Michaels, we have 15 min before open gym starts.... we made it! Michael's didn't have what I needed either. So I called Eli, "I am a little overwhelmed I have a lot to do and not enough time." Needless to say my prince in his white jeep came to open gym with Miley so I could drive the 25 minutes 1 way to the cake store to get maroon and gold dye. BLAH!

We got home about the same time, made lunch... I was able to finish the cake in time to run it to the church, to take Elijah to gymnastics, come home clean up my cake mess, go back watch Elijah for 30 minutes, we let him leave early to go to church, done with church and needed to re-bake the cake I made earlier... missed a step, oops! And finally the day is over.... are you tired?? I am and I didn't even add in ALL the details of today.

Here is today's cake:

I feel like our school day lacked because of craziness of today but life is crazy and we need to learn to fit things in there when we can. I was bummed I did not get to run on the treadmill today but hey there is tomorrow! Or is there???

Tomorrow!! Today!
About the same routine as yesterday, got up early enough to have coffee and started working on the ASU cake that I really was unsure of what I really wanted to do with. Elijah was up before me today, which happens a lot. He is a boy after his daddy's heart, when they sun starts rising so does their sweet souls.
This morning, he ate a bowl of cereal, yep! We do not normally do cereal anymore, I just don't feel it is a well rounded meal. Especially, in the morning, when you need to break the fast of the night and refuel for the day.

Anyways, I started working on the cake at 8:30 made lunch around 12 for the family, Eli came home for lunch and finished the cake and all the cleaning by 1:30... now we need to finish school. Elijah finished a few subjects at the kitchen table next me. He worked on school while I was working on cake.....When he finished, Miley anxiously waiting, they play and boy did they make a mess.

Here's Today's Cake and the Kid's Mess...

OH YEAH looks like a tornado hit... but they had fun! I can guarantee they will NOT have fun when it is time to clean, after we finally finish school today! And tomorrow when I finish cake #3 this may happen again... or maybe we wont clean today....

The moral of my days is as follows - Jesus was probably busier than any of us, people always wanted something from him. We know from scripture that he performed miracles, people sought after him for prayer, even a touch, he was constantly teaching, helping, he always poured out over and over and over...... BUT- yep the all caps- BUT he always made it a priority to spend alone time with the Lord, to be filled up so he can pour out. Jesus was not driven by the world's neediness but led by God himself. Something we NEED/MUST take hold of.... spending time with God daily, is needed to help clear our mind! Or as Eli stated in his sermon this past Sunday a quote by Oswald Chambers, "Simplicity is the key to seeing clearly."

The best way, the only way to have a clear perspective is to allow God to guide us. Jesus shows us this in the midst of his teaching Matthew 14:22-34, He is teaching the multitudes and sends them away so he can go to the mountain top to pray, ALONE!!! I bet there were people that were frustrated and wanted him to stay
around. I can hear them "Jesus! Messiah! We have questions, heals us, feed us don't leave us!" Jesus did not cave to the pressure of the world but made it a point to be alone, in his understanding he knew that this would help others in the long run more than they could understand in the middle of their 'crisis' for lack of better words. When feeling overwhelmed, too much to do- we can easily cave into the feeling of crisis instead of taking a deep breath and leaning INTO the Lord.

HELLO!!! We have no excuse.

He follows his prayer time with the infamous story of Peter. The boat was drifting off the weather was not cooperating, and Jesus called out to Peter to walk to him on the water and  Peter in all his humanly form,  doubting took his eyes off the Lord and begin to sink.

I think we all feel like we are sinking no matter how 'busy' we really are when our eyes are not fixed on the Lord.
Hebrews 12:2 "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

Ok now I'm here typing on this blog and need to finish school with Elijah so we can clean their rooms..... putting my teacher hat on and getting to work!  As I am sitting here and it's now 2:15 I am remembering I signed up to take 4 liters of Mountain Dew to Aspire for the coaches dinner, suppose to be there by 4pm... I am so glad I did not sign up for cooking or anything  that was more time consuming!! (I didn't sign up for cooking because I don't have crock pot, lucky me today!)

Don't forget to spend sometime with the one who desires you most!

Miley and #2

I have been wanting to start this blog, mainly to be able to write down things about our family.... a scrapbook. So today I decided to start, here we go-

Instead of trying to play catch up on our life, I am starting here and will fill in the details when necessary. Today during school, my second year of homeschooling Elijah. I home schooled him half-time last year and full time this year. He went to school 2 days a week for electives and I did the core at home with him. This year he is full time. So the need for being creative, field trips and time management and planning is needed more than ever. Not only is this my first year but Miley is starting preschool, so trying to find the balance of 2 kids, different grades and life well.... it's going.....
I have found that some subjects I can combine, great advice from another home school mom. This has been fun! For example, during Elijah's reading we read together and than I ask questions appropriate to there age. This can be interesting at times, especially when Miley answers questions that were meant for Elijah :/
Elijah reading to Miley 

Miley reading the ABC's to Elijah..... 

Elijah started a unit on plants so Miley join's in on the science lesson also! Amazing what she can learn.

Today!!! Oh TODAY!!!! During school, Elijah was about half-way done with his day and I started preschool with Miley. We were working on numbers, specifically number 2. We practice tracing, than tracing dots, and lastly trying to write the letter by herself. The curve at the top of #2 was challenging her, she kept writing it backwards and bless her heart she was getting frustrated and had some tears flowing down her cheek. At this point Elijah stopped practicing his bible verse that he was memorizing, walked over to Miley's desk and said, "You can do it Miley I believe in you." THIS MY FRIENDS is why I LOVE homeschooling!!! It is these moments that make the frustrating moments worth it and believe me there are definitely frustrating moments.
I told Miley to practice writing a few more #2's and I began to listen to Elijah recite his verse to me. When Elijah was finished I looked back over to Miley and she had wrote a beautiful #2! So yes- you know it-  we did the happy dance, celebrating together. I love that I was able to be apart of this moment, thank you Lord for this opportunity.

Most importantly, the lesson for my family today was encouragement. A verse that rings in my heart after today.....
1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact as you are doing.
I believe that we can take the life Christ desires for us, encouraging each other to live into the holiness of God, even in 'small' things such as being able to write the number 2!

My kids teach me everyday. SHH!!! Don't tell them.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Job 3

Job 3  Wow!  My heart was saddened for Job in the chapter. The reference In my bible describes this chapter like this:    "Job's very existence, which has been a joy to him because of God's favor, is now his intolerable burden. He is as close as he will ever come to cursing God, but he does not do it. "  In conversation with my husband, he brought me to this passage. Hosea 6:1-3   "Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence. Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth." (Hosea 6:1-3 NIV) I would love to have been there to encourage Job. But I am here now to encourage those that God brings along my path.   I want to restate verse 1 in Hosea 6...., "Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. (Hosea 6:1 NIV)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Job 2

Job 2  I'm definitely seeing a pattern already and I am only in the 2nd chapter. So maybe that's not a pattern but oh well.    1 why does Satan always appear with the angels.   2 Satan still has limitation..... From God.    3 Why do we always see troubled times as punishment for sin instead of trial.    4 Why does satan always provoke the wife in hopes to make the husband denounce the Lord.  Chapter 1:6 and 2:1 the angels came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came with them....      This is interesting to me. I have pondered on this, whether it is important or not, well it's in there twice.  After a brief conversation with my dad about this topic.... He cleared this up some.  We don't have much explanation other than the fact that this clearly shows us that satan has access to God also but is limited.  In chapter one we know that Gods allows Satan to test Job but limits him. Satan is not to lay hands on Job personally 1:12 again, 2:6. Satan is now given the power to lay Hands on.... Or well 'skin for skin' vs 4-5 but he is instructed by God to not take his life.  The most interesting is the end of the chapter, Job is still alive! Ha! Even Satan obeys the Lord.  And yet WE struggle daily to follow.  The most striking lesson from this piece of history is that sometimes what feels like 'punishment' is maybe God's way of growing us closer to him but also maybe an amount of reassurance that he hears us, he recognizes the faith that we have demonstrated in our own lives. I don't know why bad things happen but I know that God knows what we can handle.  1 Cor 10:13  No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV) 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 be joyful always, pray continually, in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Jesus Christ. I can look back many times in my life and I have felt like Job.  In fact, I remember sitting at the doctors about 4 years ago sand he asked me, 'I bet you can relate to Job right now'.  This struck me to the bone and has never left my mind since.  So of course I was prompted to study who Job was and why in the world could I possibly have related to this person.   So it only took 1 chapter to figure it out.  I was sick and felt like nothing was helping but to seek the Lord and wait upon, praise him and not loose faith......amazing how some years later, feeling much better, a different season of my life, learning from the life of Job again.  Love how the Lord can teach us something new every time we read a scripture.   Many of us have felt like Job,,, probably everyone we are just not aware of it.  The very first woman fail into the lies..... She ate that fruit and offered to her man. Well here in chapter 2 again, we see the wife being used vs 9 'curse God and die!'. Holy crap! What in the world was his wife thinking?? Probably what some people have felt like at different times. There have been moments in my life I would much rather be with my heavenly father than deal with some of the sufferings on earth..... Than it's only a half a second thought and I am reminded of the love the Lord has for me and the purpose my life holds. Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. (Proverbs 19:21 NIV) So why this may be my own personal conviction and maybe yours, this a reminder to me that I need to be careful with my words and actions. And that even when sometimes we may think we are being helpful to our husbands, we may be steering him the wrong direction.  Reminding me of the importance of staying connected to the Holy Spirit personally, that we cannot give Satan even an inch in our life! 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Job chapter 1

My journey with Job Chapter 1 So as I began Job today a few thoughts came to mind. It reminded me of my feelings after I saw the movie 'The Help' after the movie I hoped that if i lived during that time I would like think I would have been like Skeeter....I would have been the one that would have made a a difference, gone against the norm that wasn't right .....Of course I compare that to my walk with the Lord and let's face it - being a believer and a follower is more and more frowned upon. And most likely will continue that way. As our faith is tested we will continue to stand for what I believe is right when the world is slowly trying to take God out of everything.    Another thing chapter 1 reminded of was a conversation I recently had with someone at church. About the 'end times '  Up for debate all throughout different churches is whether God will take his children before the final 7 years, half way thru or will we be here to experience all the revelations.  I am not here to discuss it but Job 1 reminded me of when everything falls apart which it will feel that way in the end times, will I still throw myself down and praise the Lord, will I still rejoice in knowing he has my life planned out, will I not blame him for the hard times in my life? End times or not everyday is a new day, a new day to test my faith and prove myself worthy of being called Gods child.  Is my faith so strong that even the Lord himself will attest to it.   There is no doubt that Job is a man of God.  We learn this right away in the first chapter   'Job was blameless and upright, he feared God and shunned evil' vs 1.  If someone wrote about my life Would they say this?  The first chapter is enough for me to bathe in for awhile. The conversation between God and Satan, wow! God was positive that Satan would not be able to break Job. He waS so confident that Job was God fearing  that he actually gave satan authority to well, basically test Job. In any area that Satan could think of, other than he was not allowed to lay hands on Job himself vs 12. Seriously!? Most of the time we can be broken because of circumstances around us that are not direct hit to us but indirect hits.  So true, if you ask me after reading the first chapter most people would have broke after chapter 1.  But not Job! He rips his cloths off, falls on the ground and worships. vs 21.  In the first tests alone he lost his animals and his family.....   I guarantee most people would be mad at the Lord and feel like asking 'Where in the world are you God??.'  And we would place blame on the Lord instead of looking toward him for help. After going through devastation in our lives would we still be still and know that God has a plan Jeremiah 29:13.  Or would we run to everything trying to find answers that will never fullfill the missing piece.  Lord, please continue to strengthen my faith everyday.  So that in the deepest of circumstances I will fall down and worship you!  Psalm 123: 1 I lift my eyes to you, to you who sit enthroned  in heaven.