Wow, 2 years ago….we waiting anxiously for our baby girl to arrive. I was induced so there was not surprise on the labor end of things- but definitely ready to embark on a new adventure adding Miley Marie to the picture.
We arrived at the hospital at 6 am ready to go, my parents arrived shortly after and Eli’s parents stayed at our house with Elijah, until the it got closer to our new little ones arrival. My OB told us that he was not going to rush things and allow things to move slowly that way there was no chancing having to have a c-section, which was only allowed if absolute an absolute emergency was require because of my lung capacity. I was completely OK with that- many of my friends had c-sections and I was not a fan of their recovery….
My emotions were of course all over as I waiting anxiously but I do remember being more nervous than I was with Elijah because his delivery was so easy, I was afraid this time I might not get so lucky.
The day moved on and at lunch time my doctor said I would definitely have her today, but he was going to wait till after dinner to break my water. So that came and went, I got my epidural right before he broke my water, I knew after my water was broken- that the pain would begin.
Let the fun begin… my nurse checked me around 9:15 pm and I was only at a 6- so I figured we may have a long night. 5 minutes later I told Eli, “She’s coming!”So he asked the nurse to check me again, and she said “No I just checked her she was only at a 6.” I told Eli, no you tell her that Miley is ready to make her appearance!” (When my nurse checked and I was at 6, my OB informed her not to leave my room. He did not want to miss the delivery, and there was a huge blizzard outside. She only left my room for a quick minute to grab something and that’s when I knew Miley was coming)
So Eli ran to find the nurse, he knew I meant business, and everyone got excited! I began to keep my legs crossed because well, obvious reasons. My nurse came in and kinda joking ‘ok ok, let’s take a look but I’d be surprise I just checked you….’ Then she checked and looked at me- “DO NOT PUSH!!! Stay right there, cross your legs-“And she took off running- of course if you know that routine at that point they completely rearrange your room. My father-in-law who was outside, in the hall, he said my OB came running down the hall. I told that nurse she was coming….Anways, a couple pushes and Miley arrived to meet many of our friends, doctors, nurses and of course Family. My most cherished memory is the first time her big brother held her.
I am reminded on every birthday that I celebrate, no matter whose it is, what an amazing miracle child birth is. A miracle that only God himself could create. My baby is 2 now and I am blessed and amazed, looking back over her last 2 years to see where God has taken us as a family and individuals, growing closer to Him and seeking everything he has for us.
I could write a novel with all the details of my pregnancy and birth with both my children, going in detail of the amazing miracles God performs even in now. Instead, I would love to leave you with this thought:
Psalms 139:13-16
oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
you formed me in my mother's womb.
I thank you, High God - your breathtaking!
Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
I worship in adoration- what a creation!
You know me inside and out,
you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book you watched me grow
from conception to birth;
all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared,
before I'd even live one day.